As the global employment landscape continues to evolve rapidly, finding the right career path has become more critical than ever. To address these challenges and provide clarity to those seeking guidance, NIRO Education successfully hosted its first Career Guidance and University Readiness conference in Windhoek on the 26th of July 2023. Targeted at grade 11 and 12 learners, the conference aimed to present various study options and study destinations, career guidance, sharing financial assistance opportunities, and the importance of university readiness and mental health while studying.
“ The conference provided a platform for learners to be guided in terms of their careers and equipped them with the right tools that will help prepare them for university. A child’s education is a big investment thus parents and learners need to be properly informed to make the right decision for their future”, said Roadine Willemse, Director of NIRO Education.
The conference brought together about 300 learners from secondary schools in Windhoek and outside Windhoek. The one-day event featured informative sessions by industry experts and exhibitions from local and international exhibitors such as the UK, USA, Germany, and Asia.
Moreover, the conference gave insights into the emerging markets and skills gaps in Namibia to ensure students make informed decisions in respect of their career choices and to align their study choices with the priority areas of the country as per the National Human Resources Plan 2010-2025 and the NSFAF’s Regulations (Gov. Notice 246). According to Ulrich Heinstein, Executive Director at Win-Win Namibia, the Namibian market and economy have changed and people have to adapt or else they won’t survive. “Namibia is an emerging market because we have so many opportunities and people want to be a part of it. Our geographical location is perfect and gives access to the different markets, which makes other people want to team up with us,” he said.
The Career Guidance and University Readiness Conference reaffirmed NIRO’s commitment to empowering learners to make well-informed career decisions and pursue fulfilling career paths. “You are destined for greatness because you are born with a DNA of a champion. It is in your nature to succeed and carry out great exploits in this world, ” Pastor Clive Willemse, reaffirmed the students during the conference.
“ The conference was informative, especially on the topic of university readiness and mental health at university and the emerging markets. I am now better informed on the career field I have to choose and I feel a bit prepare for university next year,” one of the participants expressed after the conference.
The Conference will be an annual event with the next one planned for June 2024. The conference was made possible through sponsorship by NamPower and collaborative partnerships with NIRO university partners.